Ergohuman Chair Assembly Instructions

Ergohuman assembly technician


The Ergohuman Chair Assembly Instructions for your Chair are printed on a card that is attached to the back rest of your Chair.  This card also has a guide to the adjustments for your chair.


You can also download a pdf of the Ergohuman Chair assembly instructions and the adjustment instructions for your chair from the list below.  Just click on your model of chair.

Download Ergohuman Chair Assembly Instructions by Model

Ergohuman 2 New for 2023

Ergohuman V1 and V2 Ranges

Ergohuman 2 Assembly

If you have any questions regarding the assembly of your Ergohuman Chair, we are here to help.


Please complete our contact form here or contact us on our Chat Line on the website during office hours.


Our phone number is 09 888 4380 and our email address is